I love this tree across the street. This picture just doesn't capture how it seems to glow from inside out. Fall colors are so amazing, so saturated and alive. I love fall, but in a sentimental sort of way. It brings up school memories so intensely, and then I start to think about how winter is really just around the corner, and how summer feels like a long time ago all of a sudden. It makes a girl need a little something to pick her up, like a brightly colored bag!
This is my latest incarnation of the Simple Sewing "Simple Tote." I may have to break it off with that easy tart recipe and marry this pattern instead. It's so ridiculously easy and gratifying I'm finding myself making it again and again. I went a little tricky on this one, and added a small pocket on the inside, for keys or cell phone or lip gloss. When I carry my other version of this bag, I'm continually and frantically hunting for that ringing cell phone, and untangling my keys from the other junk that ends up in there - but no more!
I think I'm going to try a bag pattern from Bend the Rules Sewing, today. Hopefully it will be a breeze like this one!
Hey Dianna - these are beautiful pictures, especially the perspective of the first one...I'm jealous that you guys are experiencing Fall! I guess I'll get you guys jealous later when you have snow pouring down on you and we're at the beach, right? :) Love that pattern on this bag. xoxo, cheryl
I'm already jealous of you when it's dark at 6:00 here, and my feet are already freezing! Maybe I'm living in the wrong latitude...:)
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