Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mama Deer

Ever since I stumbled across Scherenschnitte on One Pretty Thing, I've wanted to try my hand at paper cutting.  My stumbling block was getting my mind to understand all the spacial stuff.  I'm usually pretty good at that, but for some reason it did not computer.  I finally realized that if I just traced the pattern and cut around the line, I should end up with some sort of silhouette.  I'm a genius, right?  Well, I think it was a forest for the trees thing.  Anyway, I finally managed to complete a project.  Et voila!

When I saw this pattern on Scherenschnitte I let out the softest "oooohhhh."   It's so darn lovely.  I was looking for something sweet and mama-ish to create for my expecting friend Cheryl, for a Christmas present.  I think this fit the bill pretty well.

On a white background, with white mat and frame, I'm so in love with it I want to make one for myself.  And look, here's a video tutorial that would totally have helped me figure it out!


Cheryl said...

I so so so love my Mama deer print. It's so pretty and knowing you made it for me makes me love it even more xx

katie said...

How sweet! I never would have thought that was your first attempt at paper cutting. Beautiful!

dtsign1277 said...
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