Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oh Yeah!

I have a blog! Yes, apparently I've forgotten (again) about that. This reminds me of my high school Latin teacher, when we were wasting too much time in class talking about Days of Our Lives. "Tempus fugits class!" Once we heard that we knew we had to get back to conjugating and translating. That's the only excuse I have for dropping the ball here. Tempus fugits, and it just won't stop.

Not that I haven't been up to stuff.

This spring we went to Costa Rica - Playa Carillo, on the Pacific side. Teeny tiny town, incredibly quiet, since it was off season. We practically had the beach to ourselves.

We hit the Goodguys car show again. I love me a classic car.

Apparently I love a classic car very close up.

There's been some cooking.

Some crafting.

And I'm learning how to fish with T. I don't have any pictures of that - cause, well, that would be a camera disaster of the highest order.

That's a very tiny nut shell of the past six months. Hopefully I'll be better about keeping up this time!

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